Thursday, April 25, 2013

Arthropod fact sheet








Geographical Range:
South west part of the earth

Rainforests of North Queensland, Australia. Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Solomon Islands.

Physical Description:
The fore wings are black. A large blue area dominates the wing. Next to the blue area there are some hairy areas.

The underside is dark-brown. In the middle of the wing there is a big light-brown triangle.

The hind wings are black and they have tails. The edge is wavy. A large blue area dominates the wing.
The underside is dark-brown. At the outer edge there is a chain of big brown spots.

The body (abdomen) is dark-brown. Head and thorax are black and have some blue scales. The underside of all parts is brown.

Sex differences: The females has no hairy areas on the fore wings. The blue of the female is dull.

Life cycle:
Egg, Larvae, Pupa, Adult

??????? Iunno

Life span:
A few days to about 8 months

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Arthropods Q 'n A

Q1. Why do all arthropods share unique traits?

Because they all have a common ancestor that had those traits.

Q2. In your opinion, are arthropods a success? Why do (or don’t) you think so?

I think arthropods are successful due to their diversity, their numbers, and how far reaching they are.

3. How has it helped arthropods to have many pairs of limbs?

They serve many different purposes (Feelers, mouthparts, legs, pinchers, etc.)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Arthropod Project Part 1

My Arthropod

Ulysses Butterfly

The butterfly plays an important role in ecosystems, acting as a pollinator, a food source and an indicator of the ecosystem's well being. Butterflies are rich vitamins for predators such as birds

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Charles Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle


This picture represents one of the more recent earthquake.
The earthquake caused a tidal wave and washed up trash. How 
the earthquake caused the tidal wave? Concepcion, being so close to 
the ocean .

Charles Darwin landed in Concepcion Chile March 4th, 1835.
The population on Concepcion is 215413. The Longitude and Latitude of Concepcion
is 37 degrees south, 73 degrees west. 

Concepción was founded in 1550 by the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia
  • In 1570, 1657, 1687, and 1730, Concepción was destroyed by large earthquakes and tsunamis.
  • due to its prior location being prone to earthquakes, they are still common in the current region. In 1939, 1960 and 2010, much of the city was d Concepción's current location in the Valle de la Mocha is on a plain on the north shore of Chile's Bío-Bío River and although the city was moved amaged by large earthquakes.
  • Concepción has a strong focus on sports and five professional soccer (football) teams are located in the city.

Animals of concepcion

This picture represents a Pudu, a native deer, its also the
smallest deer in the world. 40 centimeter is the largest height for a Pudu.
some of the native animals are,  Alpacas, Chinchilla, Colocolo, and Cururo. 

Alpacas: It is 1.60 meters high and weighs up 
to 85 kilograms or 187 pounds. Alpaca breeding, out of their natural
enviromaent in the Andes, United states starting in the mid-80s. 

Chinchillas: It takes 150 Chinchillas to make a decent sized coat. Its scientific name is Chinchilla brevicaudata. It is an animal previously abundant in the Andean zone of Chile, Puru, Argentina and Bolivia, but came to the be virtually exterminated  This is explained by its valuable fur in great demand in the world.

Colocolo: The Colocolo, is technically called Lynchailurus Colocolo is also known as jack called the Marsh. It is an medium sized carnivore and 1.5 inches in length. It  is a cat that is known to have strong teeth, It also has huge retractable claws and excellent night vision. It is a  mammal that walks on Its fingers.  This cat has rather long fur is usually gray or dark yellow and has lines on the shoulder and neck.  

Cururo: Their habitat is in long holes or tunnels and over grown areas.  Small eyes small eyes and short tails they have big claws on their hands Their fur is short and jet black.  They communicate through echoing sounds through the tunnels. 

These are just 5 of the animals that live in Concepcion.

Plants of Concepcion
Chile has a distinctive flora with 2698 different types of vascular plants found
nowhere else. Plant families uniqui to chile include Lactoridaceae and 
Thyrsopteridaceae from Juan Fernandez Islands and Gomortengaceae on the mainland.
Some specific types of plants are,

Cabbage Tree Dendroseris
The Lion's claw
Chilean Blue Crocus
Used to be classified as EXTINCED

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Hello my name is Jacob, I've been given the assignment to give a P.O.L,
a Presentation of Learning. These are basically our end of semester presentation. We are suppose
 to give a presentation of what we did and learned from that. And here we go, my presentation
of learning.

Zero Waste Lunch Project

The Zero Waste Project was a big success, not only 
did we reduce the trash but we influenced kids to
make better choices, we showed them that they can
make a difference and its not that complicated. This picture represents 
or actually is our project. We  gathered information and then we put it on this white board.
Very simple. Very effective. I learned how to do percents
or practiced percents a lot in this project and I also learned
that I cannot do bubble letters on a whiteboard. One of the challenges my friend and I
had was gathering information to put onto the whiteboard. We struggled with this
because the class was demanding more and more facts, so we
kind of  ran out of things to say, we spent a lot of time on that part.


In math I chose order of operations because I think its one of the
more important subjects. It covers exponents, for one thing, and its
the only way to do algebra problem. PEMDAS is the only way to do
an algebra problem. I learned how to do exponents in this lesson. Exponents
have been kind of challenging because 4 to the 5 power is 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
and its very easy to loose track of the numbers. 

Class Jobs

In class we do class jobs. My job is to pick up the rulers, 
calculators and glue. I think class jobs are important because,
I like to work in a nice looking clean environment. Without class
jobs, we wouldn't have that. We wouldn't know where to get things.
We would be running around the room looking for markers, pencils, 
and rulers. Wasting half our time on the stuff that should take less than
one minute. So I encourage you, not just for my sake, to do your job
without a fuss. Do your job.

Life of Pi

In Life of Pi there I learned that there's no limits to what a small kid,
or scrawny 15 year old such as Pi Patel, can do. We nearly finished
the backyard, right? Even if it took the whole school year, it was worth 
the while, in my opinion?  I also learned that most animals are scared of us and will
only attack as a last resort. Like if they're hungry or you attack them. Kind of like
someone I know. I bet I could relate to every character and animal in the book.
That is how detailed it was. 

IMovie: Something I'm good at
That Most Nobody Knows

During last year we made videos to add to our POLs.
I learned that I was capable of doing this well. After a few tries
I finally got a good video that expressed me. There was assortments
of pictures from 4th - 5th grade, graduation, baseball, even a couple
pictures of when I liked soccer ( A very long time ago).
It took me about an hour to get all the pictures, sinc. the video
to the song. That's alright for a beginner. I guess, it still surprised me that
I could do something like that. Frankly, I didn't get around to making a video
for my P.O.L. this year. Hopefully there will be one for my end of the year

My Writing: Poem

 I chose this, because, well, its the poem. It represents,
the poem and a few lines that I liked from my poems. I wasn't
into poem making, I did not like it what-so-ever. This poem
made me appreciate poems more. I also learned a new
form of poem. I struggled with this because  I was not a fan
of poems. At all. I still don't necessarily like poem making or
poems in general. But I can appreciate a good poem now.

Photoshop: Business card

In media, I enjoyed learning about Photoshop. This picture is of a business card I
made in media. I think that I could use a bit of improvement though. This is
just one of the many things Photoshop can do. Photoshop is really hard to learn.
There are those little things that you need to do before you can event expect to be done.
I was just getting into Photoshop and Imovie before I went into Studio22, and before I
went into Studio22 all I knew was how to filter things. With automatic tools. I was impressed
with that. Now I can make my own photoshop pictures which I'm impressed with.

San Diego Zoo

At Sandiego zoo we learned tons about the book
"Life of Pi"  The orange sheets where research papers to learn about
animals, like the bangle tiger and the orangutan. I learned that
Orangutans are the closest primate to us, humans. Most of the day
we walked around looking at animals reading signs and asking the 

Social Studies

In social studies I learned, just like Fehung, the... minor oceans, I guess.
I didn't know about the southern ocean... and the arctic ocean. I didn't know that there
where more oceans, beside the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian... I learned that and that im a better
color-er-erererer, than I thought I was. I can actually stay inside the lines! I am actually surprised
that I can though.

Learning outside of School

Outside of school I play baseball, football, and basketball.
There is tons to learn from all 3 of those sports. I like baseball
the most, because its not all about pure strength. Its about brains, and
eyesight, and speed, and the basic know how. There is a ton to know. There is
base running, hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and tons more. I learned many life
skills from it, like patience.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Field Trip Reflection


    The hike wasn't all that bad, only a few miles up and downhill. I felt like there needed to be more I guess. Potato chip rock was really cool. It was an inch thick and could hold more than five 100 pound kids. Amazing. I think I was proud of my friends for making it with no water half the way up. Wyatt and Josh, its a long story. I thought learning how to rock climb with absolutely no ropes was fun and a huge challenge. I helped my group by, carrying all of their stuff, 1 lunchbox, 1 cinder block (Fehung's lunch was really heavy for a lunch), and 3 notebooks.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mount Woodson Fieldtrip



 I'm going to try to find a rattlesnake on the field trip to mount Mount Woodson because I think it would be a good experience, and want to see every ones reaction. I would no. I think snakes are somewhat interesting.think I would find that funny. I'm sure lots of other people are going to choose rattlesnakes, or at least Fehung. I would also want to find a rattlesnake because, well I don't want to. I want to try to test my, courage sort of. The rattlesnake in the picture, well I really don't want to meet in person. The venom, the fangs, and the look of the snake scare me.
